If you don't have access to weight plates, I would recommend getting hold of some (iron kind). They can be used for all kinds of exercises for developing grip strength. The first exercise I would recommend is the plate curl.
This exercise is a fine developer of the fingers and forearms. I would suggest using a 5kg weight plate initially as it can place a large amount of stress on your fingers if you go too heavy too soon.
Grab hold of the plate and hold it by your side with your thumb facing in the direction that you are looking. Now curl the disc upwards slowly and back down and repeat. Keep curling until you can feel your forearms burning up then change hands and repeat.
The next exercise is the plate pinch grip. Select a plate with smooth sides and pinch grip it from an upright position on the floor. Try to stand up with it by your side. Next add a plate and keep going until you can't pinch grip no more!! Obviously swapping hands. You can also go for singles or keep holding on for time with this one. But be careful just in case you drop the plates on to your feet.
develop grip strength
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